Narration: Telling a Story from Pictures
the following pictures and make up a story. You can put these pictures in any
order you like as long as the story is logical.

People in the remote village were in a state of panic
because of the frightening rumor that there was a werewolf in the forest where
they hunted for deer. About a month before, several villagers had been found
dead during the last full moon—violently murdered by an unknown animal. Most of the villagers believed
this had been done by a werewolf. To find out if the rumor was true, dozens of
hunters were sent out to look for the werewolf. They glanced around nervously
as they walked through the gloomy forest, looking for the mysterious murderer.
Then, over in the distance, a very large shadow began to move closer to them.
As the clouds slipped past the full moon, the huge creature stood up on its two
legs, turned its head toward the moon, and began to howl. Suddenly, the
werewolf targeted the hunters, and it devoured man after man, with blood
dripping down its jaw. Then, fast as a bullet, the werewolf darted for the
village, ready to wipe out the whole village.
Tips à此看圖寫作屬英文寫作中的敘述型文章。敘述型文章又可分作虛構類以及真實經驗類兩種,本課的寫作練習即為希望學生依據圖片,杜撰虛構類的敘述型文章。
1 先仔細看清楚每一張圖,心裡默想是否可將圖相互連貫出有邏輯的故事。依據已有的三張圖來對那張未知圖片情節內容發想,然後再將其安排至合理的故事架構之下。
2 在心裡默問自己who、when、where、what、why、how等問題,讓自己對圖片的內容更有概念,也可讓自己開始鋪陳、想像故事情節內容。
3 著手寫作時,應先決定要用哪一個觀點(point of view)並牢記在心,才不至於文章寫到最後,觀點跳來跳去不一致,讓人分不清到底是誰在敘述故事。一般常用第三人稱「她」或「他」來客觀地描述,亦可使用第一人稱「我」,像描述親身經歷的故事,可讓讀者更有臨場感。
4 故事情節必須有邏輯性及合理性,可以有創意,但不要過於天馬行空,以免最後結尾時無法收尾,不能順利做結的文章會顯得虎頭蛇尾、話沒說完。
5 描寫圖片的故事也需要有主題句及結論句,才能使文章更完整,而細節部分不論是時間順序方面或是地方位置方面,都需要以適當的轉折語連接。
1 表達時間先後順序的轉折語:as soon as、during、meanwhile、soon、afterward、finally、next、then、at that time、later、since、while等。
2 描述地方位置的轉折語:above 、beyond、near、far
Now, write a paragraph of 120-150 words according to
the instructions on the previous page.
On the night of a full moon while I
was hunting rabbits in the nearby forest, a giant shadow suddenly passed by me
in a flash. Due to the surrounding darkness and the speed of the shadow, I
couldn’t tell what this gigantic creature was. However, as the clouds slipped past
the full moon, this huge creature stood up on two legs, turned its head toward
the moon, and began to howl like a wolf. In panic, I ran back to the village as
fast as I could and told my fellow villagers about the horrible thing I had
seen. The villagers all agreed that I had seen a werewolf and that this
werewolf had caused the disappearance of the five hunters from our village.
Some brave hunters suggested that I lead them to the place where I had witnessed
the werewolf. Even though I was reluctant to do so, I still led them into the
forest. Glancing around nervously, the hunters told me that they planned to
shoot the brutal creature when they saw it. We waited and waited. Two hours
later, a gust of chilly wind whooshed past me, and I was then dragged away by
some unknown force. I shouted out at the top of my lungs, but it seemed as if
nobody could hear me. Just when I thought I was going to die, I woke up. What a
relief! It was just a dream.